How to create a backpainted glass backsplash
Creating backpainted glass
Tempered glass is a must, if you intend to put backpainted glass near the stove. The rapid temperature changes in a kitchen make ordinary plate glass unsuitable for behind-the-stove applications. Tempered glass is specially treated to help resist impacts and significant changes in temperature. You can purchase tempered glass in custom or standard sizes from a glass shop.
To make a backpainted glass backsplash, paint one side of the glass using the paint color of your choice. Ordinary paints simply won’t work because they cannot bond to the glass. While ordinary paint may dry, it does not stay on the glass, and cannot resist humidity. Using ordinary paint on glass won’t produce a very satisfying result!
Once the Glassprimer glass paint has dried and cured, you can mount the backpainted glass in place using mastic or neutral-cure silicone caulk. The adhesive will not be visible through the paint, so your results will be outstanding!
Glass paint is specially formulated to make a permanent bond with the nanosurface of the glass. This permanent bond allows the paint to stand up to humidity, which is handy in the kitchen. In addition to creating a permanent bond with the glass, the paint resist peeling, fading and cracking. That’s essential in the kitchen keep food safe.
No kitchen counter area would be complete without electrical outlets, and you might have noticed that you can’t cut tempered glass. So how do you work around the electrical outlets? The easiest way to manage the electrical outlets is to move them. If you’ve never worked with electricity, consult with an electrician, who can safely move your appliance outlets prior to your backsplash installation.
Angled power strips are exceptionally versatile, especially in areas like the kitchen. They can be installed under countertops or cabinets, and may actually increase the number of outlets in your kitchen. They can also be installed discreetly, giving a clean look to your kitchen counters.
If you’d like some inspiration for your glass paint project, please visit the rest of our site. If you’d like to purchase Glassprimer glass paint, please visit our online store .