Incorporating glass bricks into your plan

Incorporating glass bricks into your plan

Glass bricks in the Michigan State Capitol floor

Glass bricks are common, yet they can impart an extraordinary look to a space. Glass bricks were first developed in the early 1900’s as a way to add light to industrial manufacturing spaces. They’ve been used continuously since that time in a number of innovative ways.

Glass bricks are versatile

Glass bricks are right at home in the trendy industrial look, owing to their industrial origins. You can use glass bricks to create a room divider or replace an existing window. The benefit of using glass bricks in windows is that the bricks will allow nearly full transmission of natural light, while preserving privacy. This is a great solution for urban spaces where having a window doesn’t equate to having a view!

Glass bricks are also a great solution for bathroom and basement windows. Again, these are spaces where light is welcome, but full view may not be. Standard glass bricks come in nominal 8″x 8″ dimensions. “Nominal” means that the bricks are slightly smaller, but when they’re set in the recommended 1/4-inch mortar, the finished size of the block and mortar are 8″ x 8″. You can find glass bricks with smaller and larger dimensions, usually available by special order.

Glass bricks have an R-value of about 1.75-2.0, which puts them in the same range as thermopane windows. Glass isn’t known for its heat insulating ability, but you won’t gain much by going with standard windows.

Unlike regular window glass, you can use glass bricks to make both interior and exterior walls. Used inside, glass bricks can be found in room dividers and walls to allow natural light to penetrate a dark, interior space. They can also be used to create privacy in bathrooms, offices, conference rooms and other similar spaces. Glass bricks also have some sound insulating qualities, thanks to the brick’s hollow interior space. Used on exterior walls, glass bricks can create more attractive, light filtering windows. They can also be used in structural spaces to create exterior walls.

Glass bricks can also be used to create walkways and floors. When lit from below, the glass bricks can create dramatic floor space in both interior and exterior applications.
If you’re looking for some additional glass decorating inspiration, please visit the rest of our site. If you’d like to purchase Glassprimer™ glass paint, please visit our online store .

Photo Credit: Mitten State Photog, via