Kitchen remodels that retain their roots
Secrets to successful kitchen remodels
The median age of housing stock in the United States is currently 35 years. That means 50% of the houses in this country were built before 1981. That’s figure is important because it explains the size and strength of the remodeling market. The remodeling market is estimated to be worth about $76B annually in the US, and with the average remodel weighing in at $28,000, that means more than 2.7 million American homes get kitchen remodels each year.
Extensive kitchen remodels can be expensive. The majority of kitchen remodels in the US cost between $25,000 and $50,000. Typically, people report either under-budgeting or overspending on remodels. Those hoping to spend less than $10,000 reported the greatest gap between what they’d planned and what actually happened.
A house design typically reflects the period in which it was built. The most effective kitchen remodels, therefore, take into account the design of the rest of the house. If you live in an older house, you may be wondering what you can do to update your kitchen without compromising the original design of the home.
For example, older homes weren’t designed with an open floor plan. Rooms were discrete divisions within the home, usually defined by walls. If you want to apply an open floor plan to an older home, you’ll need to determine whether the walls between rooms are integral to the structure. If so, you may not be able to remove them safely.
One way in which you can improve the effectiveness of kitchen remodels is by using materials that are “true” to the time period in which the home was built. By using (or re-using) original materials, or by incorporating materials that would have been used during the home’s construction, you can help ensure that your remodeling work will harmonize with the rest of the home.
Older homes made extensive use of wood, tile and glass in their original designs. In part, these materials were plentiful. They were also durable. Choosing to work with these materials in your remodeling design can help make “new work” feel at home in a new design.
Colors can also help incorporate remodeling work into an existing space. Using colors that harmonize with each other, and match color palettes that were in use at the time of original construction.
Successful remodeling delivers useful updates. That may mean introducing new appliances, new wiring, or an entirely new layout to accommodate the way people use their kitchens today. Kitchens are very public places, but they’re also work spaces. They have a job to do!
Glass is very much at home in older spaces. It can be used effectively in backsplashes, surface coverings, cabinet fronts and countertops.
Thanks to Glassprimer glass paint, it can also be painted any color. Glassprimer glass paint bonds permanently to glass surfaces, and provides exceptional resistance to UV radiation.
If you’re looking for some glass inspiration, please visit the rest of our site. If you’d like to purchase Glassprimer glass paint, please visit our online store .
Photo Credit: Nancy , via